Town & Gown Upcoming sessions
Join us for the next presentation of our Fall 2024 MSU AgeAlive Town & Gown Lifelong Learning Series. The presentation is open to the public and campus community and is free of charge. A question-and-answer session will follow the presentation. Participation is available virtually (via Zoom) and in person in the Robertson Room at The Peoples Church in East Lansing, Michigan (free parking available).
To register, visit: November 19, 2024 - Aging Optimally Registration
A registration confirmation will be provided prior to the event.
*Prior to the presentation, we encourage you to check our Dr. Monson's website at: Aging Optimally
Trouble joining the session? Visit:
Town & Gown Zoom Link:
Passcode: Town&Gown (no spaces)
Town & Gown is an MSU AgeAlive program in the College of Osteopathic Medicine, in partnership with MSU Social Science Scholars Program, Generations Connect, Friends of the East Lansing Seniors Program, East Lansing Prime Time Seniors Program, The Great Decisions Program of the Foreign Policy Association, and The Peoples Church of East Lansing. If you have questions, please contact [email protected].